Monday, September 14, 2009


Finally after about a week of living out of the suitcase, I'll finally get a place to call home! I guess working in the civil services has its perks. Nothing grand but comfortable enough to bring up a family. I still remembers the days I stayed in government quarters when my late father was still in service. Fond memories of growing up in government flats in Batu Lintang (so sad to see it has been torn down) and another quarters at 3rd mile penrissen road (also had been torn down to make way to a commercial area). There was always friends to play with, under the quarters, in the bushes nearby and of course catching fries in the nearby drains (back then it was not concrete drains). I wonder whether my children will go through the same thing I did when I was their age. Still remembers my mom use to get furious when me and my brother got home all wet and dirty after the day's adventure scouring the jungle nearby fishing or simply pretending we were soldiers with homemade wooden gun. If not we will be busy flying kites or playing marbles. We did camped underneath the quarters just for the fun of it. Living a carefree life with not a single worry in mind. Wish we could turn back the clock but life goes on.


Coffee Girl said...

That looks cozy enough, good for you Lan! at least ada rumah pakai singgah, mun singgah la..

Apai Kenyalang said...

Sure it's cosy enough. What more can one asks for? Ya la, mun singgah boleh...ada 3 bilik agi ya sama macam Luyan's Inn di Kapit ya...hehehe...boleh molah gathering di bawah rumah ya.

BOAN said...

orait la bah. selamat berpindah ke 'rumah baru'. kamek komfirm ada satu masa dtg juak ke limbang kelak, so (not so what, okay?) dpt check in???

Apai Kenyalang said...

Boan, kecik tapak tangan satu Limbang kamek tadah kan....dah ada azlan's Inn apa lagi jimat belanja're always welcome my friend.

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